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Home » , , » Singletary Slams Cherry on Site Followed by Bizarre Gun Imagery

Singletary Slams Cherry on Site Followed by Bizarre Gun Imagery

Written By Editor on 9/9/13 | 9/9/13

Jefferson Supervisor Dan Singletary is not taking his Republican Party caucus defeat lightly. Singletary's loss partially due to the intercession of County Treasurer Bill Cherry has not sat well with the Supervisor, who has launched his opinion in the pages of the Times Journal and on his own site, (NOT associated with this website).
Singletary writes in part:
However, the question is should the "County Treasurer use his office to pick and choose Supervisors"?
However, Singletary's writings against the Treasurer are followed by a seemingly pre-existing passage about gun ownership in the form of a poem by Carl Sandberg.

Mr. Singletary quotes part of the poem directly below his musings:
"little human forefinger can tell a terrible story"
From the original.
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