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The Lion of Schoharie

Written By Editor on 9/11/13 | 9/11/13

There are few people tougher than the residents of Schoharie, New York. They have seen the worst devastation of mother nature over the last several years and have fought back with grace and fortitude. There are many people from Schoharie and outside that have been instrumental in this great recovery, and it would be too long a list to place here. However, the people of Schoharie have been very fortunate that they have had a constant pair of eyes watching over the community.

Mayor John Borst has served the citizens of the village for over a decade with the gumption and drive that typifies the attitude of the community. Mayor Borst has been a driving force behind much of the community's recovery over the last year. He has assisted in more organizations than most people could join in a lifetime and does it with his dry sense of humor that strengthens the resolve of the community.

 However, if you asked him he would rightfully instead thank the hundreds of people that have helped make this happen. But it takes a leader like Mayor Borst to get Schoharie there.
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