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Letter to the Editor: Hard Choices this Fall

Written By Editor on 10/28/13 | 10/28/13

Dear Editor,

Election day can be one of the hardest for any informed voter.  There are deserving candidates on the all of the electoral tickets, but two in particular stand out this year.

One is Supervisor Gene Milone of Schoharie. For the last two years, Supervisor Milone has been tirelessly fighting not only to bring back the Town of Schoharie from the damage of Hurricane Irene and is also looking out for the entire County. His actions proposing flood mitigation, seeking the truth for the people of the County regarding issues in the Personnel Department, and giving his salary back to the people of the community are just some of many that deserve credit. Mr. Milone is an excellent partner that I respect and enjoy solving problems with. He deserves two more years to continue building up Schoharie.

In Jefferson, Sean Jordan has been a major asset for the people of the community. His experience speaks very well of the man running for Supervisor. His work in the Planning Department would be vital for grant writing and management on the Town level while his knowledge of County government would make him indispensable on the Board of Supervisors. He has a clear mind and a love for his community that is sorely needed.

Matthew Avitabile
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Unknown said...

Here Here ! Gene Milone is a true politician for the people, he acts in the best interest of the people, not himself. Without a doubt, he has my vote!

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