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Home » , , , » County Board Denies New York State Permission to Use Seal, Name and Offices in Enforcement of SAFE Act

County Board Denies New York State Permission to Use Seal, Name and Offices in Enforcement of SAFE Act

Written By Editor on 12/21/13 | 12/21/13

The Schoharie County Board of Supervisors, joining several other county boards and legislatures, voted 11-3 yesterday morning to deny New York State permission to use the Schoharie County seal and name in enforcement of the so-called "SAFE Act," in a resolution introduced by Town of Carlisle Supervisor Larry Bradt.
Discussion of Mr. Bradt's resolution was kicked off when Town of Esperance Supervisor Earl Van Wormer put on a hat with an AK-47 in the background that read "come and get it." He wore the hat while praising his colleagues' pro-second amendment efforts, which led to the Board taking the resolution out of order.
Mr. Bradt would then read the resolution in its entirety:
Whereas, the State of New York has passed a gun control law referred to as the SAFE Act, and
Whereas, this act clearly indicates that the enforcement of this law is the responsibility of New York State, and
Whereas, in recent discussions, the State has indicated an interest in using the Seal of Schoharie County and the names of the offices of the Schoharie County Sheriff in pistol permit recertification notices, and
Whereas, the County Sheriff has voiced his strong objection to this request and suggestion, now, therefore, be it hereby
RESOLVED, that the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors denies the State of New York permission to use the Name, Seal of the County or any other likeness of it, Sheriff's Office Logo, letterhead or address for purposes of correspondence with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or any other purpose associated with the SAFE ACT, and it be further
RESOLVED, that copies of the resolution should be transmitted to the office of the Governor of New York State, the Superintendent of State Police, NYS Senator James L. Seward, Assemblyman Peter Lopez and the legislature of every County in the State of New York
Sheriff Desmond, who was asked to speak by Mr. Bradt, called the SAFE Act "a thorn in the Sheriff's department since its enactment." Adding that it is nothing but "more harassment of law abiding gun owners," and that he doesn't want to be "any part of this." The Sheriff also voiced his dismay over the SAFE Act's recertification process that will require residents, some of whom have had pistol permits for forty, fifty years, to recertify their legally obtained pistols with the Sheriff's Department.
The Board would follow Sheriff Desmond's comments with a roll call vote that would result in the resolution's passage. Two supervisors, Robert Mann of Blenheim and Donald Brandow of Conesville were absent, while three voted in opposition: Anne Batz of Broome, Carl Barbic of Seward and Amber Bleau of Wright.
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Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Mr. Bradt and Mr. Van Wormer continue to appear as cartoon characters on the board. A perfect trio when Mr. Van Glad opens his mouth.

Unknown said...

Regardless of your view on gun control or the nuances of second amendment debates, the donning of a hat bearing an image of an assault rifle and an inflammatory phrase by an elected County official while cheer leading for the passage of a meaningless resolution should be embarrassing to reasonable people in this County. The Schoharie Board of Supervisors looks more like “Duck Dynasty” or the “Real Supervisors of Schoharie County” and less like a responsible legislative body every day. When they are not arguing over the position of their chairs, suing each other over committee assignments or engaging in backroom shenanigans they are likely to be found throwing a tantrum over a law legally passed by the State Legislature. Kudos to Anne Batz, Carl Barbic and Amber Bleau for having some dignity and refusing to climb into the clown car with the other 13 circus performers this trip around the midway. -Bob Nied

Anonymous said...

So as not to be thought of as being on the same side of any issue with Mr. Nied .... let me clarify. The believe the SafeAct sucks and is probably unconstitutional ..... and it was jammed through without appropriate process.
My discontent comes from the behavior of these adults that get elected somehow and then demonstrate themselves to be fools.

Unknown said...

Randy, I think we are on the same side of this issue for the most part. Don't worry, you'll be OK. Everyone will forget about it in a couple of days. :-)

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