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Home » » New Poll Up: Who do you Support for Board Chairman Among the Leading Candidates?

New Poll Up: Who do you Support for Board Chairman Among the Leading Candidates?

Written By Editor on 12/27/13 | 12/27/13

In this new poll, we are asking readers to weigh in on who they support for Schoharie County Board of Supervisors Chairman among the leading candidates: incumbent Phil Skowfoe, former Chairman Earl Van Wormer and Town of Gilboa Supervisor Tony Van Glad.
We held a similar poll last month that showed Schoharie Supervisor Gene Milone as the readership's favorite for the position, but this one is narrowed to reflect the political realities of next week's election.
The poll will be open until Wednesday and is located on the right-hand sidebar on the Schoharie News website.
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Unknown said...

If Mr. Malone was the clear favorite in the last survey what is the “political reality” that requires him to be excluded from this one? Could it be that the low expectations that plague Schoharie County politics once again doom us to accept the status quo? Are we ultimately forced to make our choices from the same limited gene pool of recycled characters? Are we really to believe that our only viable choice is to pick one of the same guys who presided over the disgraceful tenure so embarrassingly detailed in the recent investigation report? Are our choices really limited to THE same guy, the guy who thinks wearing an AK 47 hat is a sign of insightful leadership or the guy who makes railing about State legislature decisions his priority because he lacks a single meaningful idea on how to address the immediate problems faced by the County?

I am not suggesting an unscientific poll showing confidence in Mr. Malone guide the Board of Supervisors’ decision but I would suggest that the Board consider a Chair who has a leadership style that goes beyond an allegiance to “how we have always done it” because that approach is long overdue for retirement.

It’s time for the Board to stop making decisions on who is the safest and least politically threatening person to lead the County but, rather, on who is the least beholden to political party, most likely to articulate a vision for the County and most capable of suggesting creative solutions for the real problems we face. At the very least, “None of the above” should be an option in this new poll.

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