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$12 Million in New Flood Recovery Money on its Way

Written By Editor on 1/15/14 | 1/15/14

Governor Cuomo's NY Rising Program, launched in August, has provided up to $12 million in total funding for projects in the Villages of Esperance, Middleburgh, and Schoharie and the Town of Esperance. Now, with more federal dollars headed to the state to fund other projects, there is word that the program will expand to cover other areas devastated by the 2011 flooding.

The program will expand into municipalities not covered by the initial burst of grant funding. According to a release from SALT Recovery, another $12 million will be added to a second round of funding-- for $24 million in total. According to the information, the Towns of Middleburgh, Blenheim, Fulton, and Schoharie will all be eligible for $3 million in grants each.

This expansion of funding was requested by the local governments and by the co-chairs of the existing local NY Rising Committee, Sarah Goodrich and Georgia van Dyke. According to a statement Goodrich released, "We believe that the needs of these towns, in addition to the villages, must be addressed and that the level of damage justified the additional funding. We are thrilled that our voices were heard, and with the expansion of the funding our request was honored."

The money will be sent to a NY Rising committee made up of local dignitaries and those suggested by the local municipalities. They will then work out a series of prosepctive projects for the NYS Department of State and the Governor's office to review. The committee will have to balance needs of recovery with emergency services, business development, housing issues, flood mitigation, and others that could come up.
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