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Home » » Sub Zero Lows Expected for Schoharie County (1/18/2014)

Sub Zero Lows Expected for Schoharie County (1/18/2014)

Written By Editor on 1/18/14 | 1/18/14

After two weeks of residents enjoying a mild reprieve from Schoharie County's challenging winter weather thus far, local weathermen are not only calling for light snowfall accumulations (WNYT is predicting two inches max) this afternoon but for the return of Artic air and the accompanying sub zero temperatures that come with it.
Yes, it will be that cold
With highs struggling to reach the low-teens much of next week, lows are forecast in the single digits both above and below zero. Wednesday and Thursday morning in particular are expected to be extra frosty, with the former likely to fall to negative seven and the latter enjoying a tropical heat wave at just minus three.
Once we reach this point, the correct meteorological term is simply it's cold
There is light at the end of the tunnel, however. By this time next week highs should be back in the twenties with lows nearing a manageable six degrees Fahrenheit for early morning commuters next Saturday. 
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