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Home » , » With MOSA Dissolution Looming, County Approves Casella Resouce Solutions to Operate Transfer Station

With MOSA Dissolution Looming, County Approves Casella Resouce Solutions to Operate Transfer Station

Written By Editor on 3/22/14 | 3/22/14

Following the New York State Senate's vote to dissolve MOSA on Thursday, the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors approved a five year contract with Casella Resource Solutions to manage the county's transfer station in Cobleskill with unanimous support from the county board. 

The contract, which is still under negotiation, would have Casella managing the daily operations and regular maintenance of the facility, while the county would maintain the operating permit and perform major repairs; such as roof and foundation work. 

There will be little to no change for local customers as the contract will neither alter existing operating hours nor limit any form of waste management. Casella has already set minimum operating fees, but the final rates will be determined by the county when the insurance companies issue their quotes.

In addition, according to Schoharie County Treasurer Bill Cherry, tipping fees are expected to remain the same and cover, "most, and perhaps all, county costs associated with owning the former MOSA facility."

The State Assembly is expected to vote on MOSA's dissolution early next week, which could come as early as April 30th if Otsego County has their way. In other action, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to enter into a five year landfill post-closure contract with neighboring Montgomery County. 
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