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Home » , , » Third Straight Year With No Tax Increase for Middleburgh Residents

Third Straight Year With No Tax Increase for Middleburgh Residents

Written By Editor on 4/5/14 | 4/5/14

Village of Middleburgh residents are poised to see their taxes hold steady for a third consecutive year, an accomplishment Village Mayor Matthew Avitabile argues has saved homeowners on average $139 since 2012. Avitabile posted an update on the valley community's facebook page earlier this week concerning budgetary figures. 

The proposed 2014-15 public budget, which will be presented to the village board and members of the community on Monday, April 7th at 7:00 pm, contains no tax increase but plenty of additional spending for local projects. 

With additional funds being put aside for local infrastructure (streets, sidewalks) and the Youth Commission, which manages the pools and summer programs, the village's more significant expenditures include a one-time $20,000 allotment to the Fire Department for firehouse repairs and a $2,000 increase in funding for the village's park projects. 

Village Trustees are expected to approve the proposed budget, which came as a result of several workshop meetings, Monday evening. 
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