Almost eighteen months after the controversial passage of Governor Andrew Cuomo's signature "NY SAFE Act" legislation, opposition remains strong across significant portions of Upstate New York to the gun control law, with emotions running particularly high in Schoharie County.
Since it was signed into law, the NY SAFE Act has been the target of two Board of Supervisors resolutions; several displays of citizen protest; verbal assaults from politicians representing both political parties, and most recently, dozens of pointed yard signs dotting the local landscape.
From the Village of Middleburgh to the Town of Seward and every community in between, these signs are being proudly displayed on the yards of residences and highways, signifying the continued resolve of local voters to the unpopular law, even a year and a half since it was passed.
Mr. Cuomo, who came within thirty votes of carrying Schoharie County in the 2010 Gubernatorial election, is likely to cede large swaths of Upstate New York to Republican Rob Astorino because of the law this fall, but as of the latest poll - is leading his challenger by thirty points statewide.
Still many residents share County Sheriff Tony Desmond's sentiment that the NY SAFE Act is, "another step toward total gun control," and as such, public opposition is likely to remain substantial for years to come.
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