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Home » » Press Reports: Howe Caverns Casino Winners in Public Hearing

Press Reports: Howe Caverns Casino Winners in Public Hearing

Written By Editor on 9/26/14 | 9/26/14

The public comment period may be over for the four potential casino projects in the area, but that doesn't mean that the rest of Upstate New York has stopped talking about them. The proposals that came before the NYS Gaming Commission had varying levels of public support, but it seemed like Howe Caverns won out, if you believe recent coverage.

The Times Union said that the Caverns project is a clear winner in public opinion:
I'll say this: The supporters of the Howe Caverns proposal have a great case to make for needing a casino's jobs and revenue. Their county, after all, is still recovering from the devastation wrought by Tropical Storm Irene three years ago — which only added to its problems with endemic poverty and unemployment.
TWC News also noted the high intensity among supporters, including the Scary Leg Runners' thirty mile run to the hearing:
Meanwhile back on the road, it's the end of the first leg of the relay and with rain beginning to fall spirits remained high. 
"This is what our community is about, just getting out and doing it," said Pamela Newell, who is running part of the relay.
The Cobleskill paper wrote in a similar vein Wednesday:
Heather Marr, a Schoharie native who's worked at Cobleskill Stone for 10 years, said she sees the project as a way to keep young people like herself here. 

"I love it here and I'm lucky that I have a job I love. I don't want to leave. But my friends...Everything's just falling down. There's nothing here for them. This will bring people in. It will be good for the community."
These reports, coupled with Howe Caverns' recent video ad could be seen as wind in the sails of the project.
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