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Source: Casino Missing Necessary Approval Document

Written By Editor on 10/17/14 | 10/17/14

According to a recently released Freedom of Information request, a source has told the Schoharie News that the Howe Caverns project's claims of having a completed State Environmental Quality Review (SEQRA), a necessary step towards project completion, is not true.

The news conflicts with Howe Caverns Resort and Casino LLC documentation to the NYS Gaming Commission. According to the Corporation, the SEQRA has been fully completed.
 Another document sent to the Gaming Commission by the Howe Caverns Project has the approval slated for next month.

In a FOIL response sent to us by local resident Bob Neid from the Town of Cobleskill, the SEQR is not complete. Mr. Neid requested a copy of SEQRA completion, as a representative from Howe Caverns claimed was complete to the Times Union recently. The Town of Cobleskill wrote back:
the Town of Cobleskill does not have documentation that mets the criteria in your FOIL request of October 14,2014
Neid wrote to the Schoharie News, "Please note that a SEQRA completed for the 2011 caverns expansion proposal is NOT the same as the assessment required for the casino. To suggest otherwise is deliberately misleading. Our organization is concerned that the residents of our county are not being given the complete story on the casino proposal and deserve to know the actual status of the proposal."

A completed SEQRA is required for the project to move forward.
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