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Home » » Letter to the Editor: Avitabile, Board's Leadership has Rebuilt Middleburgh

Letter to the Editor: Avitabile, Board's Leadership has Rebuilt Middleburgh

Written By Editor on 12/21/14 | 12/21/14

Dear Editor,

Hands down, I would highly recommend Mayor Matthew Avitable and the Middleburgh Village Board for their leadership, their dedication, and the positive impact they have had on my hometown.

Prior to Hurricane Irene, Middleburgh was struggling with a revitalization and storefronts were about half empty.  Compounding that effort came Hurricane Irene.  Rising from the flood waters, there were several components that needed to be addressed in recovery.  It just wasn’t about cleaning up and rebuilding, it was filling empty storefronts and proving to budding entrepreneurs that strength of community far outshone the ravages of a natural disaster.  It takes getting the word out that this community is a special place with wonderful mom and pop shops and events for families to enjoy.  Matt makes a great sales pitch, obvious in the resulting “full house”  and then some we are finally enjoying on Main Street.  It’s not just filling the store fronts, it’s about promotion, enhancing and creating events and seizing every financial opportunity.  Its about follow-up and recruiting people to get the job done.  Its about attracting locals and tourists to sustain those businesses.  Matt works with a great Village Board, who obviously put in a great deal of time and effort that has given our village the outstanding recognition it now embraces. 

Just look at Middleburgh…you have to love its shops, the festive decorations, the murals and the wildflowers…its so exciting to see!  Main Street parking is full, shops are busy, conversation is so positive!

In 2006, I tallied 400 cars in one hour that drove through Middleburgh on a Friday afternoon.  Ten percent of those vehicles stopped while ninety percent drove over the bridge to other destinations.  In 2014, during Miracle on Main Street, I was challenged to walk through the crowded streets with my small Grandsons and parking was nearly impossible.  That Ladies and Gentlemen is WONDERFUL!

Thanks to our Mayor and his outstanding Village Board, Middleburg is no longer the drive-through community it once was… it’s clearly a destination!   Middleburgh's Mayor and Village Board deserve this award.  I applaud them all!


Debbie Magee
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