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Home » » Letter to the Editor: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas in Schoharie

Letter to the Editor: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas in Schoharie

Written By Editor on 12/26/14 | 12/26/14

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Schoharie,
I look back on ’14, and, man, was it hairy.
What a year it has been for this sleepy valley county,
Of small towns and villages and plenty of bounty.

A community watchdog who’s not afraid to bite,
About eminent domain, he’ll stand up for your rights.
The pipeline, Maranatha, everyone take heed,
After all, what more could any one of us Neid?

No fracking! No casinos! But, a Constitution Pipeline,
Without all three, thank you, we are doing just fine.
A county administrator, well maybe, that would be merry,
But some don’t think we really need Mr. Cherry.

We read the Schoharie News, and Facebook, near and far,
Oh, who be the next Times Journal Star?
With SALT and Schoharie Recovery and lots of Green Shirts, 
We’ve beat that broad, Irene, and healed lots of hurt.

Guilford Mills finally sold and that’s very good news,
We’ll have jobs and employment and many work crews.
A new Stewarts and Wolfe’s and some senior apartments, 
Let’s not even go there, about the Planning Department.

On Lopez! On Gibson! On the Board of Supervisors! 
What happens in Executive Session, well we’re all none the wiser.
A local celebrity, our own Commissioner Ball,
And Galasso will build something, some day, after all.

Those stuck in Schoharie as property values drop,
To sell and go south is a dream they won’t swap.
And so I exclaim as I finish this poem,
Which started so small and turned into a tome.
I say to you all as I close down this gripe,
"Merry Christmas to All, And to All a Good Night!"

- Lisa Mulligan Ovitt
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