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Home » » SALT Announces 2015 Goals

SALT Announces 2015 Goals

Written By Editor on 1/13/15 | 1/13/15

Schoharie Area Long Term Recovery has announced several resolutions for 2015 that read in part a new commitment for recovery.

Part of these projects includes:
THE TRAIL PROJECT: Building on a long held community vision with a SALT facilitated, multi-organizational effort around the Schoharie Creek. In 2015, with other partnering organizations and the community we will create a feasibility study for a 38 mile multi-use trail from Esperance to Blenheim as a vehicle for community driven economic renewal.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: The United Nations defines Community Development as “a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems.” Going forward as we shift from recovery to renewal SALT will continue to seek out, facilitate and coordinate community development projects like the Trail Project.
ECONOMIC RENEWAL: 2014 saw many new businesses open post-flood across the county. 2015 will be the first full year that SALT is placing one of our VISTA members jointly at the Schoharie County Chamber of Commerce to further support local business revitalization.
Find the whole list on their website.
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