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Letter to the Editor: Lopez Only Good at "Talking"

Written By Cicero on 3/26/15 | 3/26/15

Dear Editor,

Pete The Podium King doing what he does best" TALKING." In Pete's most recent trip to the podium, he is going over the 17 rules reform proposals for the Assembly. WOW it almost sounds important. We the people are now suppose to believe all of a sudden things will be different in the cesspool we call Albany. Pete is calling for 8 year term limits for the speaker, 4 would be better. I have to ask Pete what took you so long to speak up? Were you afraid to stand up to Shelly Silver? Did you have to wait for some of your colleagues to back you up? Or maybe you figured this would be an opportune time to make it look like you were accomplishing something. Pete you have learned your craft well and over the years you have become a seasoned politician. I have noticed in all of the latest photo-ops with your mentor James Seward you're out in front and doing most of the speaking. Pete lets be honest even you have to know things will never change in Albany. So it doesn't matter how many times you saunter up to the podium or get in front of a camera to dish out the usual political rhetoric. Most of us know you're just doing what you do best" TALKING."

Jerry Fiore  Summi
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Norie61 said...

I wrote to him asking for his support regarding Broad Band in Southern Schoharie County and I never heard a word from him.I resent my letter because I thought he didn't get it, wrong! Can't tell you how disappointed I felt about him.I did hear from Sen. Seward, and he has always been very helpful.I hope he runs for Congress, he has my support.

Anonymous said...

Pete is most definitely a big disappointment, he had me fooled for awhile. He has showed his true colors by not representing his constituents and has remained silent as constitution pipeline has bullied and taken land from the people that pay his salary. As far as Congress I hear his good friend John Faso is thinking of running. In case any has forgotten , it is the same John Faso who has been working as a lobbyist and most recently as a paid mouthpiece for constitution pipeline.

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