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Home » » Letter to the Editor: Pipeline Threat Remains, but County is Taking Steps to Address Issue

Letter to the Editor: Pipeline Threat Remains, but County is Taking Steps to Address Issue

Written By Michael on 8/2/15 | 8/2/15

While the threat of another pipeline running through our county looms, my efforts, along with some other supervisors, to secure a comprehensive health impacts assessment (HIA) pertaining to pipelines and compressor stations continues. The oil and gas industry has been exempted from environmental regulations such as the Clean Air and Water Acts for decades. Unfortunately the American public has been exposed to numerous health concerns because of these exemptions and it is time that big energy has its feet held to the fire just like everyone else.

It is important for you to know that four weeks ago the American Medical Association passed a resolution calling for legislation to have serious, all-inclusive health impact studies conducted on pipelines and compressor stations. Our county generated a letter to Governor Cuomo apprising him of what the AMA is calling for and requested that the DEC not issue the necessary permits for Constitution or any other pipeline to be placed in the ground until these studies are conducted.

I am pleased to say that our county has been leading the struggle to secure proper attention to health impacts and we now have Albany, Rensselaer and Putnam counties that have joined this effort. I will be reaching out to many other county legislators on this issue in the upcoming weeks to request them joining us on this issue. We as a county must not be discouraged the struggle to protect our county from becoming a corridor for pipelines will not be easy and all local elected representatives should be involved.

The health and safety of many Americans in close proximity to pipelines and compressor stations is felt to be at risk by the medical community. It is extremely important that we receive the assistance from our representatives at the next levels of government on this issue as well. Please take the time to write them about your concerns.

Gene Milone, Supervisor
Town of Schoharie
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Anonymous said...

Thank You Mr Milone for your steadfast opposition to the gas giants from day one. Maybe if Chairman Lape and some of the other supervisors had the intellect and intestinal fortitude to oppose the pipelines we might not be in this position now. Has anyone heard from Assemblyman Lopez lately? It would have been nice to have him speak at the last hearing, after all he did say he was against the second pipeline back in April. Senator Seward are you out there?

SJ said...

Thank you since you are correct about the impacts of the compression station that already exists from the Wright Compression Station.

I too, wish some of the other supervisors would educate themselves in the matters of compression stations and the inferior gauge in the pipelines we would be receiving!

Not to mention the inferior installation of these pipelines as well!

We would be nothing more than "an accident waiting to happen!"

We can never go back once than push their agendas through Schoharie.

So I thank you again for having educated yourself in order to protect all of us here in Schoharie!

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