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Home » » SUNY Cobleskill Tech Helps Solve Amsterdam Sewer Leak

SUNY Cobleskill Tech Helps Solve Amsterdam Sewer Leak

Written By Editor on 9/6/16 | 9/6/16

Information garnered from SUNY Cobleskill helped solve an issue for one of the area's cities. Amsterdam suffered a sewer leak recently that affected the Mohawk River.

According to data found by the college the leakage negatively impacted the river at a far higher rate than another recent leak. It studied data between parts of July and August to come to the conclusion. The leak caused an increase of enterococcus bacteria in the water. A bypass installed near the site ended the immediate cause of the bacteria but other studies showed higher levels all the way down the Mohawk River Valley to Albany.

The information was profiled on the college's website and on the Mohawk Valley Compass.
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