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Home » , » MIddleburgh Business Assn Reviews the Last First Friday

MIddleburgh Business Assn Reviews the Last First Friday

Written By Editor on 10/13/16 | 10/13/16

Photo and article by Sheila Donegan

The business association in Middleburgh, known as MABA, has experimented with varying times for its regular monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month. It has varied between morning and evening hours, in the attempt to include as many members and guests who can attend. This month, it was 8:30am today, at the Green Wolf Brewing Co.

 Of course, the conversation began with the most recent First Friday event, October 7, and that will be the last one for this year. It gets darker, earlier, and it was suggested that visiting vendors be told they might want to arrange for some lighting when they participate in the autumn. The event was very well-attended, despite the school homecoming game. Lots of people showed up after that.

 As always, stores and restaurants in the village keep later hours, vendors are allocated a spot to set up, there may be special activities, and there is always music. Curiosity takes people up and down the sidewalks, and everyone seems to have a good time.
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