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Home » » Trump Takes Presidency after Winning Pennsylvania

Trump Takes Presidency after Winning Pennsylvania

Written By Editor on 11/9/16 | 11/9/16

Donald Trump has secured over 270 electoral votes to win the Presidency tonight. After polling that showed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leading by about 3% nationally, the popular vote will be very close.

However, the electoral college has swung decisively in Trump's favor. The Republican nominee has won almost every rust belt state, including Wisconsin, Ohio, and now Pennsylvania. The 20 electoral votes from that state have placed Trump with at least 275. Trump has  2,756,689 votes compared to Clinton's 2,685,252. Trump has 48.85% and Clinton has 47.58%.

More results, including from Minnesota, Nevada, and New Hampshire are still outstanding. However, there is no path left for Hillary Clinton to take the White House.
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