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Home » » New Risk from Opioid Stronger, Deadlier than Heroin

New Risk from Opioid Stronger, Deadlier than Heroin

Written By Editor on 12/10/16 | 12/10/16

The opioid crisis nationwide and in Schoharie County has attracted increased attention. There has been sharp increase in addiction rates, property crime, and overdoses over the last several years. However, the rise of other opioids is also on law enforcement's radar.

Fentanyl in particular has been a major concern. According to CDC data, between 2013 and 2014 increases of deaths due to opioid pain relievers increased 9%. Heroin increased by 26%, and synthetic opioids, especially fentanyl increased by 80%. There has been a sharp increase of illicitly created fentanyl across the country, but it cannot be easily distinguished from prescription fentanyl in death certificate data.

According to the data, because it cannot be distringuished between prescription and illicit sources, the deadliness of fentanyl may be contributing to deaths previously believed to be heroin overdoses. The drug is often combined with heroin or sold as it. Fentanyl is several times stronger than its related drug, a particular issue for addicts.

Below is a video from the DEA to law enforcement about its risks:

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