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Home » » Cuomo Commutes Sentence of Brinks Robbery Driver

Cuomo Commutes Sentence of Brinks Robbery Driver

Written By Editor on 1/4/17 | 1/4/17

Governor Andrew Cuomo pardoned the driver in one of the most high-profile robberies in recent American history. On December 30th, Cuomo commuted the sentence of Judith Clark, who was the getaway driver in the 1981 Brinks armored car robbery in Rockland County by Weather Underground radicals.

The New York Times reported on the developments. Clark will be eligible for parole in 2017. She was originally sentenced to 75 years for her participation in the crime, which killed two police officers and the Brinks security guard. The judge in the case believed that Clark could not be rehabilitated.

Cuomo said that the former participant made "exceptional strides in self-development." The commutation was opposed by law enforcement organizations.

Clark is now 67. Two of the figures involved in the robbery are still incarcerated while another is a professor at Columbia University after serving a twenty year sentence.

Cuomo met with Clark earlier this year in prison. She has spent almost all of her sentence in Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, a maximum security prison. She spent two years in solitary confinement.

Before she joined the Weather Underground, which commited a number of terrorist attacks in the 1960s and 1970s, Clark was a member of the May 19th Communist Organization, committed to a race war.

Since imprisonment, Clark earned a bachelor's degree and helped with inmate educational programs.

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