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Home » » Guest Poem: Inspiration

Guest Poem: Inspiration

Written By Editor on 1/6/17 | 1/6/17

Frank S. Kovacofsky, Middleburgh Honorary Poet Laureate

We live in a world that can be either harsh or kind.
We search for ideas to fulfill our minds.
Be it artwork or authors, or brothers in mind!

It works like a puzzle, one piece at a time.
Than bursts out of our brain like a landmine.

The thoughts, they come out with no warning it seems!
Sometimes we can find them even in dreams.
We sometimes don’t know exactly what they mean.

But these Ideas we follow and share with the world.
They keep us sane and safe and remind us what’s true.
And remind us that everything can be safe or unglued.

There are time when things fall apart.
And are times People can all have a heart.

This is where I find my inspiration.
When people are kind, work together and there’s no perspiration.

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