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Home » » SUNY Department of Sport and Excercise to Host "Pitch, Hit, and Run" Competition

SUNY Department of Sport and Excercise to Host "Pitch, Hit, and Run" Competition

Written By Editor on 3/10/17 | 3/10/17

The SUNY Cobleskill Department of Sport & Exercise announced today that the college will serve as the local host site for the 2017 Scotts/Major League Baseball (MLB) "Pitch, Hit, and Run" (PHR) skills competition on Monday, April 3rd  hosted, rain or shine, at the college's baseball diamond, softball fields and field house. Registration will begin at 5:30 p.m. and the contest will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. The “Pitch, Hit & Run” competition will be sponsored as part of Cobleskill’s 2017 NCAA  Division III Week – a celebration by member schools of the division’s unique philosophy that equally values academics, athletics and student-athletes’ involvement in a full and rich campus life – which is set nationwide for the week of April 3rd  to April 9th, 2017.

The competition is open to boys and girls no younger than 7 years of age and no older than 14 years old as of July 17, 2017. A copy of the participant's birth certificate will be required for verification. The contestants will compete in the following age groups: 7 & 8 year olds, 9 & 10 year olds, 11 & 12 year olds, and 13 & 14 year olds.

The Pitching, Hitting, Running and All-Around Champions from each age group and gender will qualify for the Sectional Competition at a site and time that will be announced at a later date.

PHR participants can advance through four levels of competition, beginning at the local level, which can be hosted by organizations, leagues, or volunteers within a community, and continuing through sectional and team competitions. National Finalists will receive an all-expense paid trip to the All-Star Game. Finalists will participate in an array of festivities upon arrival, including a PHR Welcome Reception, MLB Brunch and All-Star FanFest. Finalists will compete on-field prior to shagging fly balls during the Home Run Derby and attending the All- Star Game this year to be hosted by the Miami Marlins.

For further information interested parties can contact Joe McCarthy, SUNY Cobleskill's PHR Program Administrator, at (518) 255-5164 or via e-mail at:

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