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Home » » Mallery, Stevens Win Two Primaries, Smith and Desmond One

Mallery, Stevens Win Two Primaries, Smith and Desmond One

Written By Editor on 9/12/17 | 9/12/17

With ballots closed, Republican candidates for District Attorney and Sheriff, Susan Mallery and Ron Stevens, respectively, notched victories over their opponents in two of three primaries Tuesday. Democrats Shawn Smith and Tony Desmond were disallowed from the ballot for the Conservative, Working Families, and Women's Equality Parties and ran as write-ins.

The totals are:

Conservative Party

District Attorney

Susan Mallery: 100 (79.6%)
Shawn Smith: 26 (20.4%)


Ron Stevens: 92 (72.4%)
Tony Desmond: 35 (27.6%)


District Attorney

Susan Mallery: 146 (85.4%)
Shawn Smith: 25 (14.6%)


Ron Stevens: 143 (85.1%)
Tony Desmond: 25 (14.9%)

Women's Equality

District Attorney

Shawn Smith 1 (100%)


Tony Desmond 1 (100%)

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