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Home » » Election Interview: Craig DuMond for Delaware County Sheriff

Election Interview: Craig DuMond for Delaware County Sheriff

Written By Editor on 11/4/17 | 11/4/17

By Matthew Avitabile

Craig Dumond believes that he has big shoes to fill since the retirement of Sheriff Tom Mills in August. “Sheriff Mills is a man of the highest character and integrity,” he said-- citing Mills as the dictionary definition of a gentleman. Mills’ leadership provided an opportunity and mentoring that DuMond feels “fortunate and blessed” to receive.

During his years as Undersheriff, DuMond believes he and his team made a real difference. “I absolutely love my job and look forward to coming into work each day.” During this period he believes the Sheriff’s Office has been well-represented during his time.

For him, the low point has been the region’s opiate crisis. Despite this, DuMond remains optimistic. “However, with every challenge there are opportunities that we can take to make a true difference in people’s lives.”

The Acting Sheriff is also proud of the route he took in receiving public trust. Nominated by the Republican, Democratic, and Conservative parties is particularly important to him. “The Sheriff is the only elected law enforcement officer in the world.  I have worked hard as Undersheriff to be a true representative of all people and focus on the equal application of law and justice.”

DuMond is also seeking to hit the ground running in his first full term. He said that he has many top priorities, but among the top include education and the Special Response Team. He hopes to “educate our children regarding the dangers of opiates and what they can do to assist their families and friends in this endeavor.  The true difference will be made through a generational shift involving public education, especially with our youth.” Regarding the Team, DuMond believes that such an effort makes it possible for the area to respond to serious incidents. “Our Special Response Team will be a very professional, well trained and disciplined unit that will be able to quickly and effectively respond to such emergencies/incidents.”

The Sheriff’s Office is always changing, said the candidate. “The only thing that stays the same is that everything changes!” Law enforcement requires constant education, focus, and situational awareness. “The dynamics of the job are changing dramatically each and every day.” He hopes to keep the Department up to the cutting edge of both technology and training “while staying focused on the needs of their communities.”

DuMond said that he will never lose the historical perspective of the Sheriff’s Office. Should he be elected, he vowed to stay “true to the representation of being the people’s choice of law enforcement.”

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