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NY-19 Decides: Antonio Delgado

Written By Cicero on 6/19/18 | 6/19/18

We need representatives who are only beholden to the people, not special interests...” - Antonio Delgado

NY-19 Decides: Antonio Delgado
By Joshua Walther

Antonio Delgado had always felt that “education was the great equalizer”, a reality he experienced while growing up in Schenectady, New York. He was born into a working class family, though he managed to move up through Oxford University and Harvard Law School. After this, he moved to Los Angeles to begin a music company, focusing on hip hop culture and how it can bring people together.  

Ultimately, he returned to New York City to develop his legal skills, and focused on commercial issues and other work, such as cases on identity theft.

Mr. Delgado is one of the seven Democratic candidates attempting to gain the party nomination. He is confident that he can run against incumbent Republican Congressman John Faso in the general election this fall.

Mr. Delgado believes in the power of education, universal health care that’s affordable, and recognizing issues with public safety. He believes that each of these things are given rights, and will work hard to remedy these perceived problems.

While in office, Mr. Delgado also hopes to make amends to infrastructure, the criminal justice system, and protecting the environment.

Mr. Delgado ensures that he differs from his competition due to his willingness to meet with all people, no matter their political background or ideals, and said “I have a profound belief that people have trouble turning their backs on love and genuineness.”

The candidate also boasted his Diner Tour, in which he traveled across the district, stopping at local diners in towns such as Saugerties or Cobleskill, to meet with residents that were still undecided in their vote. His team also collected 6,000 petition signatures, which is more than any other Democratic candidate running against him.

At these Diner Tour stops, a topic of contention is gun control. While Mr. Delgado recognizes that responsible gun ownership is protected under the Second Amendment, he supports reforms such as banning bump stocks, which were used in the Las Vegas shooting, and prohibiting the sale of firearms to domestic abusers. Not only this, but it will be a priority to “keep weapons of war out of our neighborhoods, churches, theaters and schools.”

Mr. Delgado also called out John Faso on taking thousands of dollars from the National Rifle Association, and staying silent on topics that he felt needed to be addressed. “I won’t take a cent of their money,” he said, and promised to do his best to deliver on his word.

“We are uniquely equipped to defeat Faso in November by out-working him and out-organizing him,” Mr. Delgado closed with. He believes in both sides of the community, even those who would not normally vote in his favor. “He is going to be tough, but we have the resources to do it.”

Democrats will choose their nominee on Tuesday, June 26th.

Editor's Note: This is the third in a series of interviews with the seven candidates vying for the NY-19 Democratic nomination. All seven interviews will appear in the Friday, June 22nd print edition of the Mountain Eagle.
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