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Home » » Annual Schoharie County Historical Society Meeting Tuesday

Annual Schoharie County Historical Society Meeting Tuesday

Written By Editor on 10/21/20 | 10/21/20

The annual Schoharie County Historical Society Membership Meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, October 27 at 7 p.m. with a special presentation by local historian Pete Lindemann.

Hosted by Schoharie County Historical Society President Michael West, the virtual event will begin with a brief business meeting, including the election of the Class of 2021 Board of Trustees, reports from executive officers and updates from special committees, historical society staff and director Melinda McTaggart.

Following the business meeting, Schoharie County Historical Society Trustee and local historian Peter Lindemann will provide an engaging presentation entitled “The October 17, 1780 Shots That Saved Schoharie.”

Please follow the instructions below and we look forward to seeing everyone there!

*Please call the Old Stone Fort at (518) 295-7192 or e-mail with any questions or for assistance in setting up and signing into Zoom.
OldStoneFort is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Annual Membership Meeting 2
Time: Oct 27, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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