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Home » » Delaware County Sheriff Welcomes K-9

Delaware County Sheriff Welcomes K-9

Written By Editor on 10/20/20 | 10/20/20

Sheriff Craig DuMond announced the graduation of the Sheriff’s newest K9 Team; Deputy Kyle Karcher and K9 “Eli”.  K9 Eli is named after the first Sheriff of Delaware County, Elias Butler, who served in 1797.  Deputy Kyle Karcher and K9 Eli were one of (10) teams that graduated from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Academy in Montgomery New York on October 9th.

Deputy Karcher and Eli spent months of training dedicated to Drug Detection, tracking and criminal apprehension.  Training was particularly intensive and strenuous due to Covid restrictions that the cadets and K9s at the academy had to endure.

At the graduation ceremony, each K-9 and their handler demonstrated the extraordinary techniques and skills they have obtained and achieved during this intense time.

Speaking on the event, Sheriff Craig DuMond remarked, “I would like to congratulate Deputy Karcher and K-9 Eli for this remarkable achievement.  I am absolutely confident in their abilities and know they will make Delaware County proud.  I would also like to warmly thank the wonderful and supportive people of Delaware County who have continued to contribute funds to our K-9 program.   Your contributions have made and will continue to make our K-9 program a success well into the future”.

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