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Home » » A Thanksgiving Message from Sheriff DuMond

A Thanksgiving Message from Sheriff DuMond

Written By Editor on 11/23/20 | 11/23/20

DELHI -  As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, the fine members of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office would like to take a moment to pause and thank the people of Delaware County for their continued cooperation and support throughout 2020 thus far.  Without a doubt, it has been a difficult year for everyone; dealing with the COVID pandemic and the associated problems, restrictions, political strife, etc. along the way.  

However, one of the things we can all be thankful for this year is the place we call home, Delaware County. Our people are our best asset.  Despite whatever comes our way, we find a way to pull together, help each other out, and function as a community.  I remain optimistic that we can work collectively to avoid the divisions we see elsewhere and focus on finding common ground to always do what is in the best interests of each other and our communities.

We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving filled with peace and love.  As always, we remain ready and committed to provide the most professional and community dedicated services you have come to expect from the Sheriff’s Office. 

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