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Home » » Free YouTube Performance by Nancy Payne by the Gilboa Museum

Free YouTube Performance by Nancy Payne by the Gilboa Museum

Written By Editor on 12/27/20 | 12/27/20

A FREE YOUTUBE PERFORMANCE BY OUR FAVORITE STORY-TELLER NANCY PAYNE. She will you tell you about a time when Kenyan women were denied education and channeled into a life of agricultural field work. Nevertheless, one such woman used education to rise through national politics, gain world recognition, and went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Nancy Payne's free performance link (click here) can be used now through December 30th, when we'll send you a new link.

That link is to the music of PHIL BANASZAK and DAVE RUCH for the first week of 2021. They are 2/3 of the Canal Street String Band and just love to put new shine to some seriously fun old American music. I'm sure that you will think their music will be appropriate for that evening and to usher in 2021!
.....Then, REGGIE HARRIS will take over for the second week in January with upbeat optimism about the air of freedom. Then, these 4 talents will rotate with new performances until the spring.

In late 2019, the Gilboa Historical Society received grants for performances to be held during 2020. For obvious reasons, these large, compressed events did not come off according to plan.
.....In their place, we are inviting you to a series of short virtual performances during each week of the 2020–2021 winter. Nancy, Dave, Phil, and Reggie will entertain us with stories (early American aviatrices and American veterans) and music (New York State, the Erie Canal, and the air, water, and earth of our Catskills.

Please forward this invitation to friends who might appreciate it.
.....These performances
are short (won't impinge on time);
are free (won't impinge on wallet)
are straightforward (won't lead down a trail of links)

And, if anyone wants to receive their own invitation, download this form and fill in your email address and as much other information as you want, and return it electronically or via snail mail (we do, however, need that email address to provide you with each week's link).
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