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Home » » Join Hanford Mills for 'Winter's Coolest Crop' Feb 4th

Join Hanford Mills for 'Winter's Coolest Crop' Feb 4th

Written By Editor on 2/3/21 | 2/3/21

Thursday, February 4 at 7 pm
Winter’s Coolest Crop: Ice Harvesting History and Culture
Free program!
Andrew Robichaud, Assistant Professor of History at Boston University, joins HMM staff Liz Callahan and Kajsa Harley for a free online presentation about the ice trade in the 19th century. They will discuss the history of ice harvesting in the Northeast. They will also talk about the traditions of ice harvesting here in the Catskills and at Hanford Mills.

Sign up for the program here

If you can't join us for the live program, you can watch a recording of it on the Hanford Mills YouTube Channel. 

Andrew Robichaud is director of undergraduate studies and assistant professor of history at Boston University. He teaches courses in American history, including courses related to environmental history, urban history, animal history, and the history of Boston. His specializes in nineteenth-century America.

Robichaud’s next book project, tentatively titled On Ice: Transformations in American Life, is a history of climate, ice, and the ice trade in North America, and explores the cultural and economic ice age in nineteenth-century America.

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