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Home » » Deputy Saves Life of an Overdose Victim

Deputy Saves Life of an Overdose Victim

Written By Editor on 3/5/21 | 3/5/21

Today, Sheriff Craig S. DuMond announced that the life of an unresponsive opiate overdose victim was saved by a Deputy Sheriff Wednesday evening, March 3, 2021.
On Wednesday evening, Sergeant Christopher Erwin responded to a priority 911 check the welfare call on County Highway 14 in Treadwell. Upon his arrival, Sergeant Erwin discovered an unconscious an unresponsive 27-year-old male lying on the floor experiencing ineffective breathing. Sergeant Erwin, a Certified Drug Recognition Expert, immediately noted victim’s symptoms were consistent with an apparent opiate overdose and immediately administered Narcan to the victim. The victim failed to respond to that treatment but regained consciousness and responded to a second dose of Narcan. The victim later refused to be transported by EMS to a medical facility for further evaluation and treatment.
Sheriff DuMond reminds the public that New York’s “911 Good Samaritan” law provides protections from charge and prosecution for drug and alcohol possession for the victim and those who seek help for an overdose victim. If you suspect that a loved one is experiencing a drug or alcohol overdose, do not hesitate to call 911 for help as early intervention is a critical factor in their recovery.

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