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Home » » YOUNG COLLECTORS CLUB Taught by Bertha Rogers at Bright Hill

YOUNG COLLECTORS CLUB Taught by Bertha Rogers at Bright Hill

Written By Editor on 6/7/21 | 6/7/21

Bright Hill offers its first ever “Young Collectors Club” IN-PERSON PROGRAM JULY 12-16, 9 AM - 2:30 PM (daily), led by master teaching artist Bertha Rogers, founding director of Bright Hill. The program is limited to 16 children and youth in grades one through twelve.

The week will begin with an introduction by Katharine Kreisher, art professor at Hartwick College, on the importance and impact of the Bright Hill Young Collector’s Club: viewing art at museums and galleries helps people experience original art and understand the many ways that artists see the world around them. If viewers write about art, their understanding deepens. The Bright Hill Young Collectors Club provides young people with the opportunity to own original art and perhaps begin a life of collecting.

Each student will be provided with a workshop kit consisting of a collection of miniature prints by artists who have shown at Bright Hill’s Word & Image Gallery, along with a large shadowbox frame and adhesive dots, their first “art collection.”
The cost is only $160 for local students, $250 for out of town students, which includes morning & afternoon snacks (students bring their own lunch). (Delaware Academy students, full scholarships; full and partial scholarships for Delaware and Otsego County students).

To register, fill out the registration form HERE, email to, and purchase ticket on our website, HERE.

Or mail registration form to Bright Hill Press at 94 Church St, Treadwell, NY 13846 with payment included.
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