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Home » » Sheriff Warns of Fundraising Scam

Sheriff Warns of Fundraising Scam

Written By Editor on 7/27/21 | 7/27/21

DELHI - Sheriff Craig S. DuMond issued a public awareness bulletin with tips on protecting yourself from fraudulent fundraising calls that are being received in the county.

The Delaware County Sheriff's Office was recently notified by a resident of the receipt of a scam fundraising call.  The resident had received a telephone call from an individual claiming to be National Fireman’s Association aggressively soliciting the intended victim’s personal identifying information as well as a monetary donation.  In this case, the caller terminated the call after their solicitation attempts were unsuccessful. 

Every day, police, firefighters and emergency medical workers risk their lives to make our communities safer.  To show your support, you may immediately consider making a monetary donation when you receive an unexpected call from someone requesting donations for a police, fire or other first responder agency or organization.

Sheriff DuMond urges you to consider the following facts before you act: 

  • Simply having the words “police”, “firefighter” or “emergency responder” in an organization’s name does not mean police, firefighters or emergency medical workers are members of the group, or that it is a legitimate, recognized organization.

  • Just because an organization claims it has local ties or works with local police, firefighters or emergency medical providers doesn’t mean contributions will be used locally or for public safety. The organization should be able to provide you with written information describing the programs your donation will support, and their fund-raising costs before you donate.

  • Most solicitations for police and fire service organizations are made by paid professional fund-raisers; they WILL NOT request or demand personal identifying information such as your date of birth, social security number or financial account information.

  • Donations to some police or firefighter groups may not be tax deductible. Many kinds of organizations are tax exempt, including fraternal organizations, labor unions, and trade associations, but donations to them may not be tax deductible.

  • As a result of the fraudulent fundraising calls that are being made each day soliciting donations, the vast majority of our local police and fire service organizations will only solicit your donations through local fund-drive mailings.  Telephonic fund raising activities are generally announced in advance of any fundraising campaign.

Sheriff DuMond advises that taking the following precautions can help ensure that donation dollars will best benefit your community and the people and organization you want to help:

  • Don’t act impulsively or be intimidated when you receive one of these calls. 


  • Research the organization and then call the organization or your local law enforcement or fire department to verify a fund-raiser’s claim to be collecting on behalf of the organization or department. If the claim cannot be verified, report the solicitation to your local law enforcement officials.


  • Ask fund-raisers for identification. Many states require paid fund-raisers to identify themselves as such and to name the organization for which they’re soliciting.


  • Ask how your contribution will be used. Ask what percentage of your contribution will go to the fire or police organization, department, or program. Also ask if your contribution will be used locally. Ask for written information; it will buy you time and help you make a more informed decision.


  • Ask if your contribution is tax-deductible. Make your check payable to the official name of the group or charity. Avoid cash and credit or debit card donations; Cash can be lost or stolen and credit/debit card accounts can be compromised.


  • Be wary if a fund-raiser suggests you’ll receive special treatment for donating. For example, no legitimate fund-raiser would guarantee that you won’t be stopped for speeding if you have a police organization’s decal in your car window. Don’t feel intimidated about declining to donate. A caller who uses intimidation tactics is likely to be a scam artist. Report the call to your local law enforcement officials.

  • Above all, do not provide the caller with your personal identifying information such as your date of birth or social security number.


Consider supporting your local volunteer fire departments, firefighters and emergency medical providers at the local level, through one of their annual fundraising events, whether it be their local field days, dinners, fund drive mailings or other events.  Also consider donating the most valuable resource these volunteer organizations so urgently need to continue providing the critical services our communities need – your time and investment in your community; join your local fire department or emergency squad and volunteer to help your community and neighbors in their time of need.

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