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Home » » 4-H Garden Project Family Farm Day Social Hour Fundraiser at Grapevine Farms

4-H Garden Project Family Farm Day Social Hour Fundraiser at Grapevine Farms

Written By Editor on 9/5/21 | 9/5/21

Attending the event are from left to right: Marsha McHugh, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Carrie Edsall, Ron Ketelsen, John Maxwell and Jessica Holmes. Not in picture was Shannon Almy.
4-H Garden Project Family Farm Day Social Hour at the Grapevine Farms raised $2,500 on August. 28. The Chamber would like to especially THANK our following sponsors for contributing to this project: Grapevine Farms, Edsall Hill Dairy and Willow Pond Farm,
Ron & Christine Weber, Senator Peter Oberacker, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Delaware DA John Hubbard, Schoharie DA Susan Mallery, Sherriff and Kathy Stevens, MidTel, HBH Clydesdales, Kelley Farm and Garden, State Farm Insurance, Tri-City Scaffold, Middleburgh Hardware, Bulls Head Inn, Apple Barrel, Hessian Hill Farm, Central Bridge Farms, Schoharie County Farm Bureau, KA Construction, Eric, Jessica and Ayla Proctor, The Reilly Family, Doug & Joan Cater

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