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Whittling Away - Resolution Time

Written By Editor on 12/28/21 | 12/28/21

    It's that time of the year again, resolution time.  A whole brand new year ahead of us and we get stuck with homework!  I suppose I could cheat and just copy over last year's since I didn't use them much but I refuse to be a shirker.  Last years were pretty much the same as the year before which were pretty much as the year before that and so on for as long as I can remember.  You know the ones, they are the same ones that most adults make--losing weight, saving money, exercising more, less television and more books--same old junk.  You list them with good intentions and start out in good faith only to see most of them fade by the end of January.  They usually die a quiet, hardly noticed, death only to be revived with the dawning of a new year.  I don't like breaking promises, even if they're promises to myself so I've been thinking of coming up with some more creative self-improvement ideas.  The old ones sure would be nice and I'll include them again but given their past track record I don't have a lot of hope for their success.  Now, to come up with ones that I can try to keep all year long.

     Let's see, I could improve my dental health by trying not to grit my teeth when I hear the phrase, "Fake Media";  when the batteries go in the remote control I won't replace them, that should lead to several more miles walked each week;  I will try to eliminate one "I wish--" from each day;  I will look through my file of daily problems until I can find at least one that I can smile or maybe even laugh about;  I will bring a smile to someone who doesn't have one at the time-- people who are family count;  a moment each day will be spent being "childish" and enjoying all that is good about that state;  I will remember that my spouse is my best friend also and do one "best friend" thing for her daily;  I will avoid disappointment and not enter any more beauty pageants;  I will enjoy the aging process and realize that no matter what I do, it isn't reversible and is much better than the alternative that would replace it.

     That should do it, now I think I'll type my resolutions up and post them where I'll see them daily and be reminded.  I'll put a copy in the refrigerator, I look in there frequently.  The steering wheel would be another good place, I spend a lot of time running around each day.  I'll tape another copy on the floor near the spot on the bed where I sit for my daily wrestling match with my socks.  I thought about taping one on the mirror in the bathroom but I realized that the older I get, the less time I spend looking in the mirror, I no longer want to see what it wants to show me.  I might tape a copy to each doorway so that when I go into a room and can't remember why I went in there, I can at least better myself while I'm trying to recall my lost mission.

     Well, I guess I'm ready for the New Year, so bring it on.  I'm sure that like all the others, it's gonna be a doozy and has to be better than the one it's replacing

     Thought for the week--Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

     Until next week, may you and yours be happy and well.     

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