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Home » » HELIOS CARE Announces new program, The Art of Bereavement

HELIOS CARE Announces new program, The Art of Bereavement

Written By Editor on 3/14/22 | 3/14/22

Helios Care will provide a creative new grief support group using art to explore grief and loss.

The Art of Bereavement is a 5-session support group open to individuals who are grieving due to death. Participants will learn about grief, connect with others, and discover new skills to manage and cope with loss through creativity. Attendees are strongly encouraged to attend all 5 sessions as they will work on a progressive art activity.

The program will be held at the Elm Park United Methodist Church, 401 Chestnut Street, Oneonta, beginning Monday, March 28 from 10:30 am until 12:00pm. The program runs until Monday, April 25.

This adult event is free, and registration is required to ensure materials are available. To register, call Jessica or Allison at (607) 432-5525.

The program will be led by grief counselor Jessica Weeden, LMSW, ACHP and Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs, Art Therapy Intern. Elizabeth and Jessica bring social work and art therapy skills together to facilitate conversations about loss and provide opportunities for creative expression.

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