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Home » » Plants for Birds: Creating a Year-Round Garden Habitat

Plants for Birds: Creating a Year-Round Garden Habitat

Written By Editor on 3/29/22 | 3/29/22


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Each spring and fall, we welcome migrating songbirds back to our yards and parks as they stop to rest and refuel on their long journeys. In a world beset by ongoing habitat loss, pollution, and climate change, many of these migratory bird species are in decline. We can each do our part to support them, however, by choosing the right plants for our yards and gardens. New York City Audubon's Tod Winston will explore why native plants are so important to this effort, and how to create an enriched habitat for birds during migration, nesting season, and through the winter.


A lifelong birder and gardener, Tod Winston grew to love birds as a child in rural Pennsylvania in the company of his nature-loving father. In his work with New York City Audubon, Tod teaches the organization's Beginning Birding course and Birding by Ear series, edits its Urban Audubon newsletter, and has led the Harbor Herons Nesting Survey of New York Harbor's 20-plus islands for the past eight years. In a previous role as program manager of National Audubon's Plants for Birds program, he helped to launch its country-wide native plants database, and is devoted to spreading the good word about native plants and their importance to a rich and healthy ecosystem.


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DATE: April 23, 2022

TIME: 2:00 to 3:15 pm 


PHONE: 518-589-3903


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