The Franklin Stage Company, Delaware County’s renowned classical summer theater, announces their 26th season, from July 1st weekend through August 21. “We’re so excited to be able to bring a full season of art and performance back to our Chapel Hall performance space” said Patricia Buckley, Co-Artistic Director of the theater. “We’ve got a stellar season that we can’t wait to bring to the Western Catskills.” The season will open July 1st with the Shakespeare comedy Two Gentlemen of Verona. FSC will produce an adaptation by New York City’s Fiasco Theater with 6 actors and live music. “We’re really happy to bring this show to our audience who have been asking for a Shakespeare play” said Co-Artistic Director Leslie Noble. “It’s wonderful to be able to return to FSC’s classic roots, while also producing this new, very funny version of the play.” Two Gentlemen of Verona runs from July 1–17. The next weekend, July 21-24, FSC will feature the 3-woman, multi-instrumentalists Vicki Kristina Barcelona Band. Rachelle Garniez, Amanda Homi and Terry Radigan are the power trio who reimagine the songbook of iconic American artist Tom Waits via inventive three-part harmonies and a treasure trove of instruments including banjos, bottles, squeezebox, and zills. July 29–31, FSC presents the award-winning international flamenco and Spanish dance company Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana. Founded in 1983, Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana is one of America’s premier flamenco companies, touring internationally each year with far-reaching programs that entertain, educate and empower. The company will perform 3 shows, and talkbacks with the dancers will follow the performances. FSC’s final production of the season is Bricktop, Legend of the Jazz Age, a new play by Cathey Sawyer. In this play with live music, Ada “Bricktop” Smith, who has been called “one of the most legendary and enduring figures of twentieth-century American cultural history” recounts through story and song her humble beginnings in Alderson, West Virginia, and her career as a cabaret performer and club owner that took her around the world, made her the companion of royalty, a favorite of writers and musicians, and the “Doyenne” of cafĂ© society in Paris from 1921-1961. FSC will comply with all current CDC and NY State Covid regulations, so show attendees must present an ID and proof of vaccination. Any updates to FSC Covid policy can be found on their website. Franklin Stage Company’s 26th season runs from July 1 through August 21 at Chapel Hall, 25 Institute Street in Franklin, NY. Please note all evening shows have a curtain time of 7:30 pm. Sunday shows are at 5:00 pm. Two Gentlemen of Verona and Bricktop, Legend of the Jazz Age will also have 3:00 pm Saturday matinees. General Seating. Admission is free—suggested donation is $25 per person. For reservations, visit or call 607-829-3700. Programming at the Franklin Stage Company is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature. |
Pictured: Gabrielle Lee stars in Bricktop, Legend of the Jazz Age at the Franklin Stage Company. |
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