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Home » » SUNY Cobleskill President Dr. Marion Terenzio Named to State Education Department’s Graduation Measures Blue Ribbon Commission

SUNY Cobleskill President Dr. Marion Terenzio Named to State Education Department’s Graduation Measures Blue Ribbon Commission

Written By Editor on 9/21/22 | 9/21/22

COBLESKILL, N.Y. – SUNY Cobleskill President Marion Terenzio has been selected as a member of the New York State Department of Education’s Graduation Measures Blue Ribbon Commission. The 64-member Commission will undertake a thoughtful and inclusive process to explore what a state diploma should signify to ensure educational excellence and equity for every student in New York State. 


Commission members represent a diverse cross-section of stakeholders, including educators, administrators, researchers, school counselors, business professionals, parents, and students. Representing higher education, Dr. Terenzio is the only college president named to the Commission.


Recommendations will be developed through a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and reflect the diversity of our state with varying experiences, perspectives, and expertise of the Commission’s members. The final report is expected to be presented to the Board of Regents for consideration in the late spring or summer of 2024.


“The call for education to better align with the realities of societal evolution and industry innovations has increased, particularly in creating socially just education agendas,” said Dr. Terenzio. “I am honored to be a part of this important work to evaluate our stated learner outcomes and recalibrate where needed to ensure that New York’s nation-leading education system remains competitive nationally and globally.”


In addition to her role on the Commission, Dr. Terenzio serves as co-chair of SUNY’s Empowering Students with Disabilities Task Force and as a member of the NCAA Committee on Women’s Athletics, among several other current board and committee memberships. She also serves as co-chair of the Mohawk Valley Regional Economic Development Council and as a board member for the Bassett Health Care Network.


Additional information about the Commission and the Graduation Measures initiative can be found on the Education Department’s Graduation Measures website. The full roster of Commission members is available here.

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