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Town of Lexington Notice of Public Hearing

Written By Editor on 2/2/23 | 2/2/23

Town of Lexington
Notice of Public Hearing
February 7, 2023

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Town of Lexington Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on
February7, 2023 at 6:00 PM at the Municipal Building, 3542 Route 42, Lexington, N. Y. with the Regular
Monthly Town Board Meeting to immediately follow. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to create
Local Law #1 of 2023 Senior Citizen Real Property Tax Exemptions, Local Law #2 of 2023 Establishing
Disabled and Low-Income Citizen Real Property Tax Exemptions and Local Law #3 of 2023 Volunteer
Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers Real Property Tax Exemptions.
By Order of the Lexington Town Board
Dated January 2, 2023
Charlotte Jaeger, Town Clerk

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