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Home » » Second Sunday Snowshoe at Landis

Second Sunday Snowshoe at Landis

Written By Editor on 3/6/23 | 3/6/23


March 12

1:00 - 3:00 PM

Meet at the Barn

We invite you to join us from 1:00 - 3:00 for a fun event, the last of the season. If there is no snow, the event lead­ers will take par­tic­i­pants on a win­ter hike, and every­one ends up back at the Farm House for hot cocoa and good conversation.

This month's event will feature Fred "the Tree Man" Breglia, our executive director, who will provide instruction in dormant tree identification during the snowshoe or hike.

Registration: Mem­bers: $5 or mem­ber fam­i­ly $15; Non-mem­bers: $15, non-mem­ber fam­i­ly $25.

Call 518−875−6935 or email info@​landisarboretum.​org for more infor­ma­tion or to reg­is­ter. You can also reg­is­ter online using Pay­Pal (small admin­is­tra­tive fee).

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