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Home » » Senator Peter Oberacker to Deliver Keynote Address at SUNY Delhi Commencement

Senator Peter Oberacker to Deliver Keynote Address at SUNY Delhi Commencement

Written By Editor on 5/10/23 | 5/10/23

The event will take place Saturday, May 13, starting at 10 a.m.

DELHI, NY (05/09/2023) Senator Peter Oberacker, a 1983 SUNY Delhi graduate and two-term state senator representing the 51st Senate District, will deliver SUNY Delhi's 2023 keynote address at the college's commencement ceremony. The event will be held on Saturday, May 13, starting at 10 a.m. at the campus track field.

SUNY Delhi's 106th annual commencement will recognize over 800 graduates receiving associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees.

"We are pleased to welcome Senator Oberacker back to SUNY Delhi as our commencement speaker," says Dr. Mary Bonderoff, SUNY Delhi's Officer-In-Charge. "As a SUNY Delhi graduate, entrepreneur, and public servant, Senator Oberacker is an important member of the SUNY Delhi family. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of our students with him as they begin the next chapter of their lives."

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