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Home » » 5th Annual Holiday Decorating Contest

5th Annual Holiday Decorating Contest

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 11/20/23 | 11/20/23

Entry Application Period: 11/20/2023 -12/22/2023 

Judging Period: 12/23/2023

Winners Announced: 12/24/2023 (Stamford Business Alliance Facebook and Instagram Page, Stamford NY Neighbors Facebook Page, Mac-A-Doodles sign board, and The Mountain Eagle)

1. Participation is free and open to all residents and businesses within the boundaries of the Village of Stamford. 

2. Entry forms can be found at It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere, Stamford Coffee, TP’s Cafe, ACE, Stamford Village Library, and Mac-A-Doodles. 

3. Entry Applications must be received no later than 6pm on Thursday, December 22th, 2023.  

4. Contest is for exterior decorations only, including decorations in windows that are visible from the exterior. Judging will be done from outside only. 

5. Judging will be based on “curb appeal” as viewed from the street only.  Judges will not enter back or side yards. (Corner lots will be judged from both streets.) 

6. Three prizes will be awarded to the RESIDENT ENTRIES, courtesy of Solinsky’s, Stamford Coffee, and The Belvedere Inn: 1st Place, $150, 2nd Place, $100, 3rd Place, $50. The prize for  BUSINESS ENTRIES will be a $300 donation to the local charity of the winner’s choice, courtesy of Margaretville Telephone Company (MTC).

7. Voting forms available at all sign up locations.  Votes are submitted at the Stamford Village Hall (84 Main Street, Stamford NY).

Holiday Decorating Committee members:

Caitlan Grady, Bee Murphy, Leah Randazo, Kim McCleery, and Mary Skinner.

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