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A Conversation About: Caroling

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/21/23 | 12/21/23

By Jean Thomas

Scientists have come up with a new aerobic exercise: singing. This is the perfect time to start an exercise plan because we have all the tools already. We already know a bunch of Christmas carols, we don’t need any special clothing or gear (an ugly Christmas sweater might be okay), and we don’t have to go to a special exercise place. In fact, we can indulge in singing anywhere we want. What we do need, however, is some other people to “exercise” with. Apparently this increases the endorphin hormones that make us feel so good. This time of year is best. Carolers going from door to door always have room for one more, Christmas parties can be turned into songfests, and any gathering of grade school kids can be co-opted. I’ve even seen a very formal meeting turned into a sing-a-long of “You are My Sunshine”, instigated by one subversive little woman. This can be done with any well known song, as long as it doesn’t get political.          

If you are reluctant to be the one to start, there are two pretty good options. You can use that friend of yours who is fearless and will accept a dare, or you can go to an event with grade school kids. Observe the first and second graders especially. They are untroubled by any of the stuff we think about as adults. Nobody cares about being in tune or in harmony or even on the same verse. And they sound wonderful and make us smile and feel good. Ignore the little one in the corner who won’t sing… she’ll outgrow that, and so should we.                                                                                                                                                 

 I don’t want to seem biased here. We don’t have to limit ourselves to carols. That’s just what made me think of this topic. Between a bunch of scientific studies and a line of first graders on a stage feeling great about themselves, it’s a natural segue to reminding everybody how much fun it was, and is, to lift our voices in song. So at the family gathering or the office party, give it a try. Even if you can only get a quartet at first, go for it. If that succeeds, continue your exercise program and expand it to bonfire gatherings, definitely New Years Eve, and continue at any festivities that have songs attached. You may have to resort to plotting with the kids to start things up, but I’ll bet you remember all the elementary school classics like “On Top of Spaghetti” or “Did You Ever Think…” I promise the endorphins will flow.    Movie and show tunes can be useful, and reunions make their own playlists. Nobody knows the words to “Hava Nagila” or “Louie Louie.” But they are both fun to sing to. Don’t limit yourself.                                             

That’s my end of year exercise advice. Next time I’ll revert to sensible topics. Today was a holiday gift to myself. If you ever see me singing on the corner or in the supermarket (usually the frozen food aisle), please join me. It’s a healthy activity, you know.

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