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Home » » Gallupville House Plans Big for 2024

Gallupville House Plans Big for 2024

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/21/23 | 12/21/23

By Bradley Towle
GALLUPVILLE — Enthusiasm was high as members of The Gallupville House Association (GHA) met on Monday night to parse through what GHA President Scott Hadam dubbed “a whole host of awesome ideas” for events in 2024. GHA member Hilda Blevins supplied the group with homemade cookies that provided fuel for the roughly two-hour brainstorming/planning session. Of concern to all members at the meeting was finding the right balance between maintaining momentum from a successful 2023 and not overextending themselves by taking on too much in the coming year. There will be no events in January, while the interior of the Gallupville House will receive a fresh coat of paint. 
Earlier this year, the GHA received a generous donation from Nick Juried to complete an envisioned outdoor project on land donated to the group by member Chris Claus. The proposal calls for a playground, community gardens, and parking. 
Hadam reminded the group the start date for the project is currently unknown, which could complicate scheduling events in the summer months, conceivably when the project may begin. Most plans will be solidified at the January meeting, but a few were confirmed on Monday night. In February, the Second Sunday Open Mics will resume on February 11th, followed the next weekend by a celebration of Lincoln’s Birthday on February 17th. The brainchild of GHA member Richard Sherman, the event will include reenactors, a Civil War-era lunch, and music with a planned sing-along. Before confirming, some events required GHA members to follow up with various performers, presenters, historians, and musicians to ensure availability. For more information about the Gallupville House, its upcoming events, or how to participate, visit 

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