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M'burgh Seeking $ from Cobleskill for Road Repairs

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/25/23 | 12/25/23

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH - Middleburgh town officials are seeking back payments from the Town of Cobleskill for road work done in the Oak Meadows development since 2013.

The towns of Cobleskill and Middleburgh came to an agreement in 2013 to have Middleburgh maintain the road in the Oak Meadows development off of Route 145, in exchange with yearly payments.

That plan lasted for one year as Cobleskill paid Middleburgh $900 in 2014, according to Middleburgh town officials.

After some discussion, Middleburgh officials last week agreed to extend the agreement for another five years and ask for back payments.

At the onset of the discussions, Supervisor Wes Laraway took out the agreement and said, "Let's see what it says." Highway Superintendent Steve Kowalski answered, "It says they owe us money."

The agreement actually states, "The Town of Cobleskill shall pay the Town of Middleburgh on an annual basis, no later than February 1st of each year, a sum equal to the amount levied from that portion of the annual tax bill for 'Highway outside of Village' on each of tax parcels hereinbefore listed and any lots which may be subdivided from said parcels, based on the prior year's assessment...the parties have agreed that during term of this agreement, Town of Middleburgh shall be responsible for all year round maintenance, upkeep and repair of said roads, including salting, sanding and plowing, and in consideration thereof, the Town of Cobleskill shall pay the Town of Middleburgh on an annual basis, all sums levied from that portion of the annual tax bill for 'Highway outside of Village' on each of following tax parcels and any lots which may be subdivided from said parcels."

At that time, there were seven parcels, and only two had homes on the land. Only two parcels in 2013 were assessed at more than $200,000. The rest, unimproved properties, were all assessed at $26,500 or less. Now, with homes on each parcel, the assessments are much more than $200,000, Middleburgh officials said.

Middleburgh officials will ask the town attorney, Mike West, to redraft the agreement with the extension.

The road maintenance and upkeep will continue.

"It would be crappy if we said we wouldn't plow," Mr. Kowalski said.

The Town of Cobleskill, Mr. Kowlaski said has not put their section of the road in Oak Meadows in their road inventory meaning that the town cannot receive CHIPs funds from the state. The Town of Middleburgh cannot get CHIPs funds for the road, despite maintaining it, since the road is in the Town of Cobleskill. The funds would gave amounted to about $25,000, he said.

If Cobleskill does not agree to a new deal, "they just got a road paid for by us," Mr. Kowalski said.

In addition to redrafting the agreement, the Town of Middleburgh will ask the Town of Cobleskill for back payments and future payments for road work and maintenance.

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