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Home » » M'burgh to Hold Hearings on Water, Sewer Rents

M'burgh to Hold Hearings on Water, Sewer Rents

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/18/23 | 12/18/23

By David Avitabile
MIDDLEBURGH - The Middleburgh village board will hold a public hearing at their January 8 meeting on increases in the water and sewer rates. The hearing will be held at 7:05pm at the Middleburgh library on Main Street.

The slight increases are due to the hikes in the water and sewer debt redemption rates.

Village Clerk Melanie Laraway announced at the village meeting last week that the water rate will increase by 30-cents and the sewer rate will go up by $1.61 to $115 per quarter. The water and sewer rents are paid per quarter, with bills being due at the end of February, May, August, and November.

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In other action, board members:

* Heard that the Middleburgh fire department purchased a compressor and a thermal imager.

* Approved the purchase of HVAC equipment for $6,800 for the village hall.

* Were reminded that there is no on-street parking on Main Street from 4 to 6am and violators will have their vehicles towed.

* Went into executive session to discuss ongoing litigation with advice of the village attorney.

* Set the year-end meeting for Wednesday, December 27 at noon to close the books.

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