By Tori Edwards
SHARON SPRINGS — The first weekend in December will be a holiday-packed event for students at Sharon Springs Central School.
The Traditional Holiday parade and lights will be held this Saturday, December 2nd on the Sharon Springs School lawn. At 5:30p.m for the lighting ceremony with the parade to follow at 6 p.m. This will be presented by the Sharon Springs Central School PTO. Kids can visit Santa at the firehouse after the parade.
The Sharon Springs PTO is also trying to fill the teachers' lounge at the school for the holiday seasonal treats. If you are interested in donating items to the faculty lounge for the teachers at Sharon Springs Central School contact SSCSPTO@Sharonsprings.ORG or contact them on Facebook at the Sharon Springs PTO.
The Sharon Springs Sharing and Caring chicken and biscuit dinner and ALS/ Doin’ it for Dodi/ Liz Handy Travel Fund Basket Raffle will be held on Thursday, December 7th 4:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. at the Sharon Springs Central School cafeteria. To donate raffle items please contact Mrs. Keaney at Tis’ the season and Let’s go Spartans!
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